A member of the PBA team attended an inspiring talk by David Collins, the former chair of the Grenfell Tower residents’ association. The three hour workshop took place at the fantastic community space Bay 20 (https://www.bay20.org/about) on St Marks Road, built by BBC DIY SOS in response to the Grenfell Tower fire.
The workshop explored the following:
- What happened at Grenfell and what does it mean?
- Have we learnt the lessons of Grenfell?
- What is the human development / learning cycle?
- What are the conditions which precede disasters or incidents at work?
- What is the fundamental cause of such failures, and how does it stifle and prevent learning (before and after)?
- What is an alternative model of organising, one which encourages a process of learning?
A moving and inspiring afternoon with individuals from various backgrounds, provoking many meaningful discussions.